Mitsubishi Repair: 94 mitsubishi galant wont start, mitsubishi galant, battery work
QuestionI had been having problems starting my car. It sounded like it wanted to turn over and wouldn't. I'd get frustrated and walk away but when I'd go back it would start. One night my husband was going on the on-ramp to enter an interstate when he noticed a semi coming. He floored it. He passed the semi and then the car cut off. Had electric(radio lights etc.) but it hasn't started since. Replaced the distributor. The timing belt is fine. The fuel pump does engage. There's no spark. Plugs and wires are in fair condition. When I try to start the car it really does sound like it wants to turn over. Not too slow, not too fast. Auto Zone and Advanced Auto can't run codes on a '94. At least that's what I've been told. Running out of ideas. Please help. I desperate.
AnswerJennifer: Sounds like your computer or bad sensors someplace. The only thing you can do now, is get a repair manual for your car, buy one at any parts store for around $20.00. If you can not find one of those, try your library they also carry the repair manuals for most cars. Then go to Sears and buy a nice voltmeter, have your husband use the voltmeter and you check the for the right readings, start with the battery work your way around the car checking the reading, till you find the problem or problems. I think though it is your computer. You know don't you that Mitsubishi farmed out the building of their computers to another company, that company did not make very good ones. In that there is a piece in the computer that starts to leak into the computer and with time kills off the computer. You can have the computer rebuild, many places on line will do that or you will have to buy another computer for your car. Hope this helps you and good luck!