Mitsubishi Repair: my mitsubishi mirage ls 2 door, mitsubishi mirage, fuse box
Questionhi! my inside light, clock, defog dont work. where can i locate the fuse so it can be fix?
AnswerLatasha: Good Morning.. the fuse box is on the driver's side of the car, under the dash. Might need a flashlight to find it, there is other boxes with fuses and relays in with the engine. When opening the hood, look up by the driver's side of the car, there should be black box up on the firewall and then aother one over around on the other side of the engine again in the area of the firewall. Those boxes hold larger fuses that control the smaller ones inside your car. So sometimes you have to check one of those to understand why just replacing the inside fuse did not fix your problem. Hope this helps and good luck!