Mitsubishi Repair: 03 Eclipse Audio Display, fuse boxes, blown fuse
QuestionThe center mounted display recently went out though the radio/CD player continues to work fine. I looked in the owner's manual and found nothing specifically addressing the issue. Which fuse(s) would need to be replaced (provided a blown fuse is the culprit) and where would the fuse be found? I know there are several fuse boxes located throughout the vehicle though the manual doesn't point to where the bad one might be.
AnswerDave: There should be a box with fuses on the driver side of the car, down under the dash. Go open the hood of your car, standing looking into the engine area, there should be a larger black box up on the driver's side of the car close to the firewall. It has much larger fuses and relays. Then there should be aother black box over on the side with the battery, or up by the firewall. All cars are different. Get a flashlight and look around. You should find the boxes and so be able to check them. If a fuse does not fix it, then your car is new enough take it to a dealership and get them to fix it. Also you should buy yourself a repair manual for your car, can get them at most parts stores for around $20.00 but then maybe your car is to new. Don't know. But hope this helps and good luck!