Mitsubishi Repair: 93 Mit. Eclipse, firewall one, battery work

We cant figure y headlights,radio,seatbelts,dashlights none of them work. We've put in new alter.,Battery,Belts,wiper motor.wipers work but nothing else and it does start. Help!

Wendy: You need to check the fuses under the hood, also replays there might be one of those are out. There are boxes, boxes of fuses as well as the relays. One is up by the firewall, one on the battery cable and one on the right side of the car as you are standing in front of the car with the hood open. In those boxes are fuses and relays. I would say one or two of those are out. But you could have a short someplace too. You need to get a voltmeter start with the battery work around the car till you find the short, but you really should get a repair manual for your car. You can buy one of those at any parts store for around $20.00. It would tell you the readings you will need as you work with the voltmeter. But I am hoping it is just one of those larger fuses or a relay. Hope this helps and good luck!