Mitsubishi Repair: Coil issues, right reading, computer scan

The left side Coil (sparks 2 and 3) on my eclipse 2000 rs 2.4 engine keeps overheating and burning up..the computer was verified and seems ok.... the electricity for that coil is not alternating between it and the other coil..right side coil works fine and car starts ..runs on 2 sparks..  can sensor was checked and replaced and computer scan doesn't report any sensor issues...  what could it be?

Demon: I think you might have a short someplace. Get yourself a repair manual, can buy one at any parts store for around $20.00. And get a voltmeter, then start with your battery and work yourself around the car till you find the problem. The manual would explain what reading you should be getting with the voltmeter. The computer can not getting the right reading if you car is only firing on two stark plugs. And the computer is what sets up that firing but by the readings it gets from all the sensors through out your car. I think there is a short someplace but the computer does not understand a short. So it is running the car as though everything was fine. But then aother reason that coil keeps getting overheated and burning up. You need to find that short. Before you cause a fire. Have you checked all your relays and fuses too? They are all over the engine and inside the car. I took this out of my repair manual. So hope this helps you somewhat and good luck!