Mitsubishi Repair: 1994 Eclipse Problems, autozone, thermostat
QuestionI recently purchased my 94 eclipse from a friend who was having some problems with it and didn't feel like bothering with it anymore. One problem is tonight after driving it around for awhile the check engine light came on, and around the same time I started to hear a small ticking sound. Luckily I was right beside my house when it happened so it didn't run long after that. I also noticed i'm leaking water from somewhere, and i'm not exactly sure where. It really looks like it's comming from around the thermostat housing. is there any other common places to leak on these vehicles? thanks
AnswerAl:You need to have your car coded for that check engine light, got an AutoZone close by? They will code your car for free. Small ticking sound could be anything. But when is the last time the oil was changed in this car? How about a tune up? If from the thermostat housing, I would check the gasket as that might need to be replaced. Or maybe the whole thermostat and gasket needs to be replaced. Have you checked to see if the car is loosing water and seen if the car heats? Sometimes the thermostat will close not letting any water through, the car heats and it backs the water up so that it starts leaking someplace. Could be your water pump is going, or else the belt could be needing replacement or fixed. Then again are you sure that is the check engine light? It might be that the car is heating and that is the temp light. Oh hey you should go out and get yourself a repair manual for your car. You can buy one at any parts store for around $20.00 well worth the money. Hope this helps and good luck!