Mitsubishi Repair: 1993 Eagle Talon TSI Front Roll Stopper (Engine Mount), clearance holes, salvage yards
QuestionI removed the above mentioned broken engine mount, from a 1993 Eagle Talon TSI FWD and was going to replace it. I ordered a new engine mount for this vehicle and it is visibly different, the clearance holes for mounting are a shorter distance apart. What would cause a difference such as this ? An engineering design change ? I am having a very difficult time finding the correct replacement, with the correct hole pattern. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks.
AnswerSteven:You need to go back to the parts store that ordered your part and tell them this is not right. You should send in your car's vehicle identification code that would come off a plate that should be up on the firewall on the driver's side of the car, inside with the engine. If you stood and was opening up the hood, then look over to the firewall you should be able to see the plate. I get so mad at some of these parts stores, they really act like they don't give a dam about our business. I don't know maybe you like this store, but anyway. If that does not help you. You might check out with some salvage yards. They might be able to sell you what you need. It would be worth looking at, if you can not seem to get that part you need. But those parts should still being made, because there is still cars like your's on the road. I hope this helps you and good luck!