Mitsubishi Repair: 1999 eclipse gs, eclipse gs, overhaul procedures
Questionit's an auto and when i turn it on there's like a clicking noise in the valves do i need to get them adjusted and how much do you think it will be ???? and everytime the Automatic shifts to like 2nd or 3rd past 3000rpm it click clicks click and then stops when the 2nd or 3rd gear change..please tell me what i can do and how much it will be
[email protected]
AnswerChris: First off I would get my car into a shop; have them change the fluid and filter on the transmission. See if that helps with the automatic and how it shifts. You don't say how many miles is on this car, or how long that noise has been there. I wish I could help you on the cost but every shop is different. I know I have a car that had that noise in the valves during a very, very cold night when I started it to move it but I started it today and the noise is gone. So I don't know what to think. You will have to check around with shops in your area and see what they will charge you. My book makes that out as a general engine overhaul procedures. The problem might be that you might have to do more than just an adjustment. But then that would be a good reason to check with shops in your area. Everyone charges a different cost for the same work. I wish I could help you more but you will have to either call around or take the car to the shops. If you do this, get the shop to put down on paper their cost and then make them stick with that cost. But do the fluid the filter for the transmission first and see if that helps the gear problems. Hope this helps and good luck!