Mitsubishi Repair: non-working cigarette lighter & power acc., mitsubishi dealership, montero sport

My 2000 Montero sport has a problem with the cigarette lighter and two power outlets not working, I have replaced all related fuses but to no avail. According to a Technician at a Mitsubishi dealership in my area, Mitsubishi has no fix at this time. Can you assist?

Roscoe: I think I would find a different dealership or write a letter to Mitsubishi about this. I mean your car is not that old. But I would check for shorts, could be you have a wire off someplace. For those things to work, would have to have power getting to them. You said the fuses are fine, well you put in new ones. So if you get a voltmeter and a repair manual(it will tell you of the readings you should have) but then with a voltmeter you should be able to tell if there is power getting to the cigaretter lighter and the two power outlets. But my guess is a short or a broken wire/or wires. Oh yes start with the battery and work yourself around your car till you find where the short is. And then fix it. You should be able to get a repair manual at any parts store for around $20.00. Or else get the Mitsubishi dealership to give you a wiring diagram for your car. If you get a repair manual I would get a Haynes they have super wiring diagrams in them. Hope this helps and good luck!