Mitsubishi Repair: TCL and Anti Brake, snowy weather, antilock brakes
QuestionI have a 2004 Galant GTS, which I have had no past problems with. Yesterday, my traction control and anti lock brake lights came on have continued to stay on. I realize this indicates that these are no longer functioning. However, I am just outside my warranty period for basic coverage so I wanted to try avoid going into a dealership. Would you know what the common problem might be that is causing this malfunction?
AnswerJason: Go to an AutoZone and they will code your car for free. The computer of your car has picked up a problem in the line with the traction control and antilock brakes, so it put the lights on. Going to AutoZone will show you if you have a weak sensor or a sensor that has gone out. Or something else. But AutoZone does not charge anything for this test but I would have those things fixed. You will not be happy sometime when wanting to stop due to wet or snowy weather not being able to do that so well. Hope this helps and good luck!