Mitsubishi Repair: head gasket, replacing a head gasket, head bolts
QuestionHi, im replacing the head gasket in a 94 egale talyon, 2,0L, 5 speed, i was wondering if you knew the torgue specks for it. i was also wondering if you knew if i needed to know the torgue degree?? i was also wondering apon how hard the engine can be pushed after this being done. also about the head bolts i was wondering if i should use something else than lock tight? also im planing on replacin the termostate, but i was wondering if i could get away with not replacing it right away. p.s the engine overheated, the car was shut off right away, but im just wondering if i should just go ahead and replace the thermostate while i have everything torn apart. thanks for ur advice!!
Replacing a head gasket is no easy task. It must be done in the proper procedure in order for your engine to run properly and to avoid damage. I'd highly recommend the factory service manual if you plan on doing this job yourself. Though you can buy aftermarket service manuals at most auto parts stores as a good reference. The torque on the head bolts can vary slightly based on the type of head gasket and wear to the head's surface. The tolerance is usually between 85-95 ft-lbs of torque.
It's definitely a good idea to replace your thermostat. It's a relatively easy and inexpensive replacement.
Good luck!