Mitsubishi Repair: 1990 mitsubishi galant, mitsubishi galant, brown wires

I had a 1990 mitsubishi galant 2.0l sohc that has no crank no start. Customer replaced battery. there is power but, nothing at all is turning over. Customer also had the starter checked out twice for functionality-good. I tested for power and ground. source voltage and ground is good at the starter terminals. I tested for power at the signal connecter where 2 black and brown wires run to the starter. I figure one wire is coming from the ignition and the other to the battery. I traced the wiring back as far as I could underneath the intake manifold and found no power through the wires while trying to crank the key.  I need to know location of possible fuses, relays, nuetral saftey switches or any common problems known to the specific model for no cranks, no starts. I located the relay which I think is the starter relay... correct me if im wrong. It is a black square relay under the driver dash closest to the brake pedal.  I found that the relay clicks but, due to time constraints I was only able to OHM out the relay to 67 ohms. which seems normal considering all the other relays did the same.. Due to lack of tools I wasn't able to fully test the relay... But, only know that it is clicking. I have no access to useful resources for wiring diagrams or locations of possible components. only left to guess due to no owners manual.. any help would be nice. THank you.

Dee: Get yourself a repair manual; can get one at any parts store for around $20.00. That is a "repair manual". It will show the wiring, where the fuses are and all kinds of things. I like Haynes the best as they walk you through things and show pictures. Could be the computer could be bad too, Mitsubishi farmed the making of their computers out and that company did not make very good ones. The computer will go and take a lot of things with it. The manual will show where the computer is on that car, once you get close to the computer if you can smell burning wires it is not a good sign. Mean while there is fuses and relays in with the engine. Up by the firewall, over by the battery, on the side of the engine both sides or just one side and then on the driver's side inside the car. Yes the starter relay is on the driver's side inside. Safey switches that repair manual would tell you, each car is a bit different on those. Could be there is a weak sensors someplace too. Maybe it would be a good idea to have the car coded but then you can check that with your voltmeter too. But again you need that repair manual. I wish I could be more help, but as I said every car is a bit different. Hope this helps and good luck!