Mitsubishi Repair: Timing, cam gear, timing belt
QuestionIs it possible for my 92 Gallant 16V to jump or skip a tooth on the cam gear when the battery runs down or is the coincidence. It ran fine until the alternater belt broke on completely drained the battery. Now you can hear the piston smacking the valves. Any ideas would be great.
AnswerGuy:Can't say I have ever heard of that happening before. But a 1992 has to have a lot of miles on it. Maybe the battery running down and/or getting weak, weaked something else which caused your problem. Surely you knew the alternater belt broke? Before all this happen. If the belt broke that could have caused the other belts to jump or slip; so messing with the timing belt. Need to get yourself a repair manual, can get one at any parts store for around $20.00. And it will give you ideas on what to check, how to do it and then walk you through it too. I like Haynes due to the easy at which you can understand it. Other wise take it to a shop. Hope this helps and good luck!