Mitsubishi Repair: my clutch, clutch pedal, freeplay

I have a 94 galant and my pedal recently callapsed and my mechanic replaced the master cylinder and it worked for a day than it callapsed again, and they bleed it out and it came back up, but it keeps callapsing and they don't know whats wrong. Can someone please give me some suggestions.

Lisha: There is a way to adjust your clutch pedal freeplay by loosening the locknut, rotation the pushrod until the freeplay is correct, then tightening the locknut. I am thinking your locknut has come loose and so the clutch just goes to the floor. This is a way to determine the clutch pedal freeplay, you should have that adjusted every 6000 miles or 6 month. So have your mechanic try that. It would be under the clutch pedal in the car. But you should buy a repair manual for your car, even if you take it to be fixed in a shop as you will understand whatever they are doing to your car better. As well as know your car. You can get one at a parts store for around $20.00, I like Haynes it is easier to understand and has good pictures. This is a repair manual. Hope this helps and good luck!