Mitsubishi Repair: 98 eclipsers 2.0 blowing smoke, cylinder head gasket, spring retainers
QuestionHave a 98 2.0 with a problem it blows white smoke I just bought the car so don't know much history here are the symptoms seems to start after car is warmed no moisture in the oil or the cap i did a compression test and got 150 all across so i took it to the shop and they did a sniffer test and said it wasn't a head gasket but most likely valve seals and wanted 550 to do them and around 900 for the complete head the car has 130000 miles on it should i just change the guides or do the complete head the mechanic said they wouldn't guarantee it would cure the problem either way because of the miles ........thanks Jerry
AnswerHey Jerry: Thought about checking around at different shops to see what someone of else might offer? With the valve seats, they will also recondition the valve guides, check and replace the valve springs, spring retainers and keepers if necessary, replace the valve seal with new onces, reassemble the valve components and make sure the installed spring height is correct. The cylinder head gasket surface will be also resurfaced if it's warped. Does sound like a lot of money but a lot of work will be done on your engine. I don't think 130000 miles is a lot when these cars will go well over 200000 miles if you take care of them. But then you do not know how the person that had it before you took care of it. I would check around and see what other shops might offer you. You are after all putting out a lot of money for this work but no guarantee, doesn't seem right. Maybe you should check into what it would cost for getting another motor for the car. Just an idea. Should buy yourself a repair book for your car, then you could read up on it too. Hope this helps and good luck!