Mitsubishi Repair: 93 talon timing marks, camshaft sprockets, tdc mark
Question1993 eagle talon, 2.0 non turbo, manual trans.
I am looking for the degree scale on the outer timing cover. In the Haynes manual (1990-1994 for mitsubihi, eagle, and plymoth models) it says to "check the position of the TDC mark (white) against the degree scale on the timing cover) chapter 5 page 5-5 image 9.9. Under the hood it said the timing should be at 5 degrees + or - 2 degrees. How do i tell what each of the marks on the timing belt cover are?
I believe the timing belt cover they are referring to is the lower cover that goes around the crankshaft sprocket, and not the camshaft sprockets. Your lower cover should show the scale thye are referencing in the book. And the only real way to verify how many degrees off from TDC is to use a timing light. You can use this site as an excellent reference for your Talon:
Good luck!