Mitsubishi Repair: 2003 mitsubishi air conditioner, mitsubishi air conditioner, cylinder motor
Questiongreen light comes on for air with blower in speed 1 but blower does not operate. When switched to apeeds 2,3, and4 the green light goes off indicating the sir has shut off but the blower works in these speeds.
Answermay be blower motor it self...what about at idle?? Does it blow at idle?? This sounds like blower motor is going out..but it also could be your compressor..hard to say...the reason it works in high speeds is because there is more pressure..making it idle try tapping it on hitting it see if makes a difference..if so...its the motor..I thinks its located under you glove box..big black cylinder/motor looking thing...Any engine lights?? Take it to Auto Zone for a free scan...also make sure your not leaking freon...
Good Luck!