Mitsubishi Repair: 2001 Galant Electrical, fuse box, radio harness
QuestionEvery time I start the car, it asks for the radio code (which I fortunately have). The battery does not appear to support any of the electrical systems when the car is off. Have checked the fuses under the dashboard and all appears fine. Any ideas?
If you are unable to turn on the overhead light when the car is turned off (either by having the door open or manually), then there is more than likely a blown fusible link under the hood (usually located in a fuse box near the battery). But if it's just your radio that is not receiving power when the ignition is turned off, there is probably a short circuit or poor connection on the radio harness itself. In order to find that, you'd need to use a voltmeter to find problem. If you don't feel comfortable doing that youself, you could have the dealership check it or even a local stereo install shop.
Good luck!