Mitsubishi Repair: computer codes, mitsubishi galant, free diagnosis
QuestionI own a 1998 Mitsubishi Galant and recently had it check out at Auto Zone with their computer. A copy of "P1750" came up and they had no reference in their computer. What does this code reference?
The free diagnosis that AutoZone offers is a great service. Unfortuantely, most car manufacturers have proprietary codes that the universal scan tools they use at AutoZone do not detect very well. Your problem could be in your transmision solenoid assembly if your gears are not shifting properly. If you are noticing driving problems, you may want to have the dealership scan your car's computer for the actual trouble code. The good thing is that the dealership will be able to diagnose exactly what the problem is. The bad thing is they will charge around $75 just to get the code.
Good luck!