Mitsubishi Repair: 1995 Eclipse GS, head bolts, torque specs
QuestionI have recently replaced the head gasket on my '95 eclipse ga, and I have looked for the torque specs for the headbolts, but I cannot find this information. Could you provide me with the torque specs for tightening the head bolts on a 2.0L 4 CYL DOHC?
If the dealership were to do this, they would tighten the head bolts to between 90-100 ft-lbs; as indicated in the factory service manual. Though if you're doing this yourself, you can use the procedure where you tighten them to 80 ft-lbs. Then, after a couple days of slow and easy driving, let the engine completely cool and check the torque on the bolts. Retorque them to about 95 ft-lbs, and you should be safe. Be sure you are also tightening the bolts in the sequential order as indicated in the factory service manual.
Good luck!