Mitsubishi Repair: Overheated. Trouble starting now., spark plug wires, mitsubishi eclipse
Question97 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS Manual. I was recently on my way home from work when my car began to overheat. Gauge went up to the H. Now I have difficulty starting my car. Once it's started I push the gas slowly it's fine but when I try to rev the engine it starts to die and occasioinal popping noise comes from under the engine almost like a backfire but not as loud. After a few attempts of this the car responds a little better. There is also a girgling noise that comes from the engine like water running through something. Noticed oil on spark plug wires. I have not moved the car any but up and down the driveway after 5-10 minutes of idling. What's going on?
You need to have a mechanic do a compression test on your engine. It's possible your head gasket has warped and your compression is too low to keep your engine from running as it should. If your mechanic is close, and you have plenty of coolant in your radiator/cooling system, slowy drive your car to your mechanic. If you're not confident your car will make it, have it towed.
Good luck!