QuestionFirst off, thanks for offering this kind of free service. It's much appreciated. Second off, I am in Australia so I hope you'll be able to help me despite the difference in vehicles.
Vehicle stats: 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer ES (auto)
Problem: while going up a steep hill the "service engine light" came on and the engine began to lose power. We were luckily able to pull over and turn the car off. After waiting a minute or so the car started without a problem and took off without a problem. In addition, the light did not come on again.
My worry is that we just recently bought the car. So, what could have caused this problem? I'm hoping it will fall under the current warranty. Thanks for your help.
On newer cars, there are many more sensors and components that are tied into the car's computer. I'm not sure of the emmissions standards in greater Australia, but there are many more emmissions components in new cars, and those tend to trip the check engine light (CEL) most often. Any sensor or ignition component (like a spark plug) can also cause the CEL to come on. If the hill was steep enough, and you did not have much gasoline in your tank, the sensors that keep track of your fuel level and pressure may have been getting strange readings so it tripped your CEL. Lack of fuel pressure would also cause your loss of power.
I don't think there is anything wrong, and if the service engine light does not come on again, I wouldn't worry about it. Plus, unless the CEL stays on, a mechanic would not be able to pull any trouble codes from the computer. But if it does happen again, take it in and have your mechanic check it out. But I wouldn't worry about it.
Good luck!