Mitsubishi Repair: 88 Mighty Max 2.0 Engine Swap, Manual Trans., automatic gearbox, conversion kits

I have a 1988 Mighty Max 2.0 with a MANUAL transmission. The motor has recently self destructed. I bought another 1988 Mighty Max 2.0 with an AUTOMATIC transmission...(this truck is parts only). My problem is the new engine (parts truck) and original transmission bell housing do not match up. Is there an easy solution to this or do I have to buy another engine block? I was told that Mitsubishi made 2 different engine blocks, 1 for MT and 1 for AT. I have also been told that there is a way to convert the MT to fit the new block.....  

Mitsubishi had made two engine blocks to accommidate a manual and automatic gearbox.  Unfortuntely, I'm not familiar with conversion kits that would allow you to use your MT with the new engine block.  Have you considered the possibility of using the AT from the parts truck?  But I guess if the AT in that truck has problem, there's not much use in trying that.  I would recommend keep scouring the internet for a conversion kit that may be available.  If you simply cannot find enough information out there to be comfortable in doing that conversion, purchasing another parts truck (engine block) would be the simplest alternative.
Good luck!