Mitsubishi Repair: 96 mitsutibshi galant starter relay, starter relay, starter motor

question... just recently my car just randomly wont start... the lights, radio ect. all turn on but my engine wont even attempt to turn over... my guess is its my starter relay... im not a very educated 17 year old when it comes to cars but its just a guess... you seem to know much more about mitsubishi's then i ever will.... thanks for your time


The most common cause for your engine to not turn over is due to a worn out starter motor.  It's possible your starter relay is bad, but as the weather gets colder, worn starter motors tend to be very fussy.  If when you turn your key, you hear a click, but the engine does not turn over, that is a sure sign it's your starter motor.  The click you may hear is the relay allowing power to get to your starter, but the starter motor will not turn if it's worn out.  Replacing a starter on a 10 year old car is not uncommon; and shouldn't be too expensive to have fixed.  But when you do take it in to have it worked on, have the mechanic check the starter relay, and be sure he load tests your battery just to be sure those are working properly.
Good luck!