Mitsubishi Repair: 2000 Eclipse Water Leaks, drain holes, water leaks
QuestionHave a 2000 eclipse convertable that leaks with every rain. Water appears in the driver side door and pools in the driver floorboard. Seems to be coming in around the door or from inside the door. Tried sealing gaps around the mirror assembly but no luck. Searched the internet and found this is fairly common problem and no one seems to have a solution. Any ideas?
Check your drain hole near your base of your windshield on the outside of the car. Sometimes if the drain holes are plugged, water will find an alternate path to go down, and it can work its way past your door's weatherstripping and start to collect inside the car.
Inspect the drain holes for any clogs, and also check your weather stripping on the door to be sure there are no rips in it.
Good luck!