Mitsubishi Repair: mitsubishi eclipse 2.4 2001 #2 cylinder missing, mitsubishi eclypse spyder, spark plug wires
QuestionMy 2001 Mitsubishi eclypse spyder 2.4 liter is missing on the #2 cylinder (diagnostic error code #302 ignition wire). How do I fix the problem?
For misfires, you should check your spark plugs, plug wires, and ignition coil. You can also simply try to remove your negative battery cable for 30 seconds, reattach it, and see if that resets your check engine light (CEL). If your CEL stays off after that, it may just be a random misfire, though it would be good to replace your plugs when you get the chance. If your CEL comes back on and you pull the same code, replace your plugs and consider replacing your spark plug wires as well.
Note, if you still have the factory radio installed, removing your battery cable may also reset your radio passive alarm. In that case, you may have to enter a security code to get your radio working again.
Good luck!