Mitsubishi Repair: 1998 Spyder Eclipse Turbo Convertible, crank shaft, mechanic shops

Mitsubichi dealership: I had my engine rebuilt (factory specs) cost: $4,0000
Car immediately broke down first day out of service...they worked on the "crank shaft" for a day...the car broke down again 4 miles from dealership.
The service dept now states that it is the problem with 2 sensors that need to be replaced ...and I have to pay for all these new parts and labor because the sensors are NOT part of the rebuilt engine. What to do?
the car is still not running! And connot guarentee that these two new sensors will do the trick!
Please give me some GOOD advise! thanks! char

If you feel that dealership is not being honest with you, you should either find another dealership to take your car to, or find a local garage that can further diagnose and fix your problem.

Odds are, at least one of the sensors they may be referring to is the crank/cam angle sensor.  But if that sensor was bad, it should have made your check engine light come on prior to your car breaking down.  Most local mechanics shops have diagnostic equipment that can check your car's computer for trouble codes.  If the problem is indeed one on the sensors, a mechanic should be able to pull the sensor, check it, and see if it's actually the cause.  Local mechanic shops typically charge less money for parts and labor than the dealerships.

Techically, the dealer can say that the sensors are not part of the engine rebuild, and they can very well charge you additional money for parts and labor that you may or may not need.  I would recommend either complaining to the service manager that his department needs to diagnose your problem correctly and fix it for as little cost to you as possible, or simply have your car towed some place else.  If your car is currently at the dealership lot, it will look very bad for the dealership if their customers see a Mitsubishi being towed off their lot.  Tell the service manager you will seek mechanic advise and repairs elsewhere, and he may cut you a better deal.

In the mean time, call around to local garage mechanics, tell them your story and ask how much it would cost to dianose and repair your problem.  
Good luck!