Mitsubishi Repair: 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse 4 cyclender GS Manual, mechanic shops, mechanic shop
QuestionI recencly purchased my eclipse at an auction, 64,000 miles and was running great until the fan belt started to sqeak until the engine warmed. I went to autozone and put some this fan belt belt spray on it, nothing changed. Then a friend recommended that I put WD40 on the belt and I noticed as soon as put it the belt going to alternator everything sounded great. The next day it sqeaks. Should take it to a mechanic to get it checked out? I don't want to get ripped off, but it's ambrassing to have a nice looking car and start it up and sqeaks. My other question is it best to take it to a dealership for Mitsubishi verses a regular mechanic shop?
It's possible the belts that are on your car are the original belts that came with the car when it was new. All your belts should be replaced at 60,000 miles. A squeaky belt is nothing to be too concerned about, but it's one of the first signs that your belts need to be replaced.
Replacing belts can be performed by most any mechanic. If you'd like, call up a few different mechanic shops and ask them how much they would charge to replace all your drive belts for your car. You should call the dealership as well to find out what they would charge you. But if you feel the most comfortable taking your car to the dealership to have your belts changed, then have them do it.
Good luck!