Mitsubishi Repair: Distributor cap, auto salavage, ebay
QuestionI have a 1990 Eclipse w/ 1.8L Auto. Federal emmissions made in 4/90. I replaced the computer on it and it still won't start (NO spark problem) I have looked around for a used Dist cap and can't find one. Am I on the right track? Brand new the cap is 280.00. I can't afford muchbut if there is a bad module than I have to replace the whole cap. Where can I find a cheap cap. Help please thanks
The actual distributor cap assembly should only cost around $20 (new from your dealership - part #MD611787). Perhaps you got a quote of $280 that included installation cost.
But if your problem is the actual distributor itself, then it can be quite expensive; about $400-$500 from the dealership (part #MD618145).
If you think you can install the cap yourself, it'd cost you about $20 and you can find out from there if it's just your cap or possibily your entire distributor. If you ever want to look for inexpensive parts, you can call around to local auto salavage yards to find out if they have any of the parts you need in their inventory. Another good place to look for parts in on eBay. Many people sell used, good working car parts there.
Good luck!