Mitsubishi Repair: manual transaxle, manual transaxle, shift linkage
Question97 mitsubishi eclipse,2.0l,manual. transaxle jumps out of 3 and 5 gear while driving. The chilton manual discribed a shift linkage adjustment on a turnbuckle on the shift cable. I see no such thing. Could the cables be stretched or am I looking at worn synchronizers not allowing the toothed dogs to engage.
There is indeed a turnbuckle (of sorts) on your shift link cable. I've had that slip off myself before. The picture the Chilton's manual may show probably is not very good. You can check out this site for more instructions on how to adjust your shifter cable:
Usually if your synchronizers are worn, it's tough to even get into gear in the first place. But if your synchros do need replacing, you'd probably want to do a complete rebuild.
Good luck!