QuestionI asked you about a 93 1.8 manual eclipse that i was having starting issues with a couple of weeks ago. The car has intermittant problems with starting, when cold. I was able to pop the clutch and get it to start for my daughter when stranded, after trying to start it repeatedly. The started turns great, and there is fuel to the plugs. i got it home, after it drove fine after popping the clutch, and turned it off, tried to start again, no go.
I took it to my mechanic, and spent a considerable amount of money on it, for other things and this problem. He could never get the check engine light to come on and stay on, and i believe he basically cannot get the code from that car. He told me to take it to a dealer, and have them run a scan on it, as he checked the starter, the starter relay, he saw that there was a salvage distributor on it, with an odd wire in line with the computer wire, but did not take it off for fear of ruining the ECM or something. we got it home from him, after he had it for four days, and it ran fine the rest of the day. the next morning, it wouldnt start. My wife finally got it started while i was at work, and the engine light was on. she took it up to the mechanic, and he couldnt get the code off of it, as the light went out. I thought those codes were cached and am thinking of renting a code reader my self, as it would be free to get the codes. I have read here the the ISC motor can go out, and that it can cause the car to stall. This car runs tip top after you get it started, its just getting it started. the battery is new, and the alternator is good. all the relays are good. Have you heard of a wire being tied into a computer wire off the distributor? I am going to run some gas treatment and fuel injector cleaner through it to see if it is something simple like that, but have my doubts.
Any more insight into this would be great, i want to exhaust all possibilities before going into a dealer.....
Thanks so much
There are actually a couple wires that run from the ECM to the distributor. And your distributor or your ECM is where you may find the problem. From my last response, I had suggested to you check your ECM. It's located behind your radio. Here's the reference page I gave previously:
Not only is your distributor tied into your ECM, but it's also tied into your ignition switch. If your switch is faulty, that may explain why you are able to start the car mechanically by popping the clutch, but not electrically by turning the key.
Your distributor is a very vital part of your ignition system. Built into the distributor is the crankshaft position sensor, the camshaft position sensor, the ignition coil, and the ignition power transistor. If either of the sensors inside the distributor are faulty, that can trip your check engine light. But your car's computer does not alway cache that info. Your ECM gets reset every time you turn off your car, and if your ECM does not detect that problem the next time your car is started, you may not see the light come on.
You didn't mention what your mechanic has already looked at, so I cannot really make further troubleshooting ideas. But at the least, make sure the distributor (not just the distributor cap), the ECM, and the ignition switch are all inspected thoroughly. Unfortunately, none of those items are inexpensive if needed to be replaced.
Good luck!