Mitsubishi Repair: Mitsubishi Glalant 94 no spark, mitsubishi galant, auto parts stores
QuestionI have a Mitsubishi Galant 94 S, automatic transmission. It started having problems starting during wet weather, but now it will not start at all. There seems to not be a spark to get the car going. Everything else seems fine, just the initial spark to get the car going is missing. Can you help?
Your spark plugs and your plug wires should be checked and replaced if it's been longer than 30,000 miles since they had last been changed. Also, startng problems during wet weather can indicate that your gas cap may be letting in excess moisture into the gas tank. Too much moisture in the gas tank will also cause starting problems. You can add a bottle of Dry Gas or any fuel additive product that removes moisture from your gasoline. You can buy this at any auto parts stores or even stores like Wal-Mart and K-Mart. Start with those few items and see if they help.
Good luck!