Mitsubishi Repair: 1992 mitsubishi mirage 1.5L automatic starting problem, advanced auto parts, mitsubishi mirage
Question My mirage had a dead battery a month ago. i replaced the battery and the new one died overnight. I got the alternator checked and it was bad so i replaced it and charged the battery. After about three days the battery dies again. The car dies everytime i take the ground off but i cant figure out why.The new alternator works and I really dont know what to do. What should i check and/or where can i get some kind of reference book for it?
The first thing you should do is have your battery load tested. Even though it's new, it can be ruined from a bad alternator. I've had this same problem happen with a 2 year old battery that completely died on me because the alternator failed. It also depends on the type of battery you purchased.
Auto parts stores like AutoZone, Advanced Auto Parts, and I believe PepBoys can give your battery a load test for free. A load test will determine if it can be drained, charged and hold a charge. If you bought your battery from one of these auto parts stores, they should offer you a new battery. Most batteries have 5-7 year warranty, and most will give a full cost replacement if it fails in less than 2 years. Be sure to show them your receipt.
Haynes makes a repair manual for your car. Many auto parts store will offer it for about $15. If you can't find one there, you can order one online at the Haynes website:
Good luck!