Mitsubishi Repair: 94 Eclipse (Shifter Sticking/Engine Dying), mistubishi, wheezes

Hello Anthony,

I have a 1994 Mistubishi Eclipse 2-Door Hatchback, Manual Transmission.

It has always been a very reliable car up until a few days ago. The only problems I had with it in the past is that sometimes, when I turned off and parked the car, to go grocery shopping or whatever, and came back, the car would die on me shortly after I started it unless I kept the engine revs up. After driving for a little while after this, the car would again drive more reliably. It always started up right away in the morning though, never had any problems.

That is, up until a few days ago. Now I am having major problems, and I'm afraid there might be more than one.

Now, when I start up the car, my shifter won't go into any gear. It is stuck in Neutral, and no matter how I try to jiggle or force it, it won't go into any gear. The funny thing is, when I turn the engine off, the car will go into any gear just fine. I have been driving and starting the car around in 2nd gear now until I can get this problem fixed.

Sometimes, after I've been driving for about 5 mins or so, the shifter will allow me to go into gear again, but it's really sticky and clunks into place.

On top of this, it now seems that that car dies whenever I come to a stop with the clutch pushed all the way in. Whenever I come to a stop light I have to keep giving it gas or it will die.

Another frustrating part about this is that it really seems like the car is trying to move forward when I give it gas, but when I have the clutch pushed all the way in! It acts as if the idle is really high. This is most noticeable when I have the car in Reverse, without applying gas, the car drives back really fast as if I was applying gas, but i'm not.

Also shortly after this problem started happening, the car is having a hard time starting. It usually turns over fine in the past, the engine would die but would start back up, but now the engine wheezes when trying to start, and I sometimes have to give it gas to be able to get it running at all.

Another thing that I thought I would add just in case it is relevant to the problems I am having... My hand brake light started turning on when it was not in use. I first noticed it happening in the morning when it was cold or wet, it would turn on then turn off after driving a while, but now it is almost always on, no matter if it's in use or not.

Well, it's lots of problems to be sure, and I'm pretty clueless when it comes to cars, so I hope you can help me in any way. Seems like I'm going to have to pay an arm and a leg for repairs, doh! I tried to be as thorough as I could. I don't think I missed any details. Maybe I should be planning on purchasing a new car? XD

Thanks again for your help. '-'

For your first issue of the car running rough after doing some grocery shopping then trying to start it, your problem could be your engine coolant temperature sensor.  Cars with this problem typically have no problem starting when the engine is cold, and while driving.  But if you try to start up the engine while the engine is still warm, it will stutter and may not even start.  In this case, it's a good idea to replace the engine coolant temperature sensor, the thermostat, and get a coolant flush.

Your shifting problem is probably a combination of a loose cable linkage from your shifter to your transmission, and a lack of transmission fluid.  You should have your linkage checked and adjusted as needed, and get a tranny fluid flush.  I highly recommend a full synthetic manual transmission fluid.  BG SynchroShift, GM SynchroMesh, and Redline MT fluid are good choices.  Be sure the fluid you use has a GL-4 rating for viscosity.  If the linkage adjustment and new fluid does not make a difference, the problem could be worn out synchronizers.  That would require your transmission to be rebuilt.

Starting and sputtering problems could be due to a lack of fuel or air.  Change your air and fuel filters.  Have your fuel pump checked as well.  This can also be contributed to a clogged PCV valve, dirty throttle body, dirty Fast Idle Air valve, dirty EGR valve, malfunctioning Idle Speed Control (ISC) motor, clogged fuel injectors, and/or misaligned Throttle Position Sensor (TPS).  A weak alternator and battery can be contributors as well.  Your ignition system may also be at fault.  Items like spark plugs, plug wires, ignition coil pack, and power transitor could be causing your problems.  Have those checked and replaced as necessary.

Your parking brake light issue can come on by itself if you are low on brake fluid.  Check your brake fluid level and fill it to the MAX level with clean DOT3 or DOT4 brake fluid.

Another thing you should have checked is your car's computer.  Read this article for further information:

If your ECU is malfunctiong, you'll have all sorts of strange problems, that can come and go without warning.

Even if you are not too familiar with cars, you can bring the list of items I've mentioned to your mechanic, and that may at least save you money in labor costs.  The mechanics will waste less time on things that are definitely NOT the problem :)
Good luck!