Mitsubishi Repair: 98 Galant timing belt replacement, timing belt replacement, tensioner pulley

We would like to know if we can replace the timing belt on my daughter's 98 Galant (automatic trans.) ourselves, if we had the right manual.  In other words, are there special tools needed, or would the car need to be up on a lift....things that would prevent us from doing this ourselves?  We are both pretty good at mechanically and can follow instructions.
Also, can you recommend the best repair manual for her car?  Thanks for your help

Replacing the timing belt a pretty involved job for a do-it-yourselfer, though not impossible.  Aftermarket service manuals made by Haynes and Chiltons do offer pretty good instructual procedures, but not the best.  For the best instruction, you'll want a factory service manual.  You can usually order them through your local dealership.  

Most common tools will work, but typically there are two specialty tools needed.  One tool is to remove the tension on the auto tensioner for the timing belt (it looks like a long, skinny bolt).  The other special tool is to remove the crank sprocket nut.  That nut is usually on with about 120 ft-lbs of torque.  Even if you can get it off, it's really tough to get it back on with that same torque because you must apply that force without allowing the crank sprocket to turn (which can cause your valve to loose their timing).  

Always, always, always mark your old timing belt and cam sprocket with white-out or other type of marking pen to help you get the new belt back on and aligned properly.  If you have a co-operative service center at your dealership, you can ask if you can borrow these tools.  Some will actually let you borrow them for free, though not all dealerships are that nice.  Having the car on a lift would make it convenient, but you definitely don't need it to be for this job.

The typical replaced items in a timing belt replacement are the timing belt, balance belt, auto tensioner, tensioner pulley, and sometimes the water pump. I recommend getting all parts right from the dealership.  When you decide to buy these items, visit your local dealership and have your VIN handy.  It'll speed up the process for the staff to find the parts.
Good luck!