Mitsubishi Repair: N Reg mitsubishi Spacewagon 2l 16v glxi manual, mitsubishi spacewagon, head gasket
Questionnormal running temperature after being stopped for about 10 minutes it then will not start it will turn but not start. It smells strong of petrol there is a spark. After many attempts it does start and runs well as if there is no problem at all, apart from erratic idling. Head gasket has been done cam belt and full service and new heater matrix fitted all in the last month. This problem does not happen all the time it can be fine for a couple of days and then i could go to the garage or shop and it will not start when i get back to it. This has really baffled me now and i am really needing some advice. What could my problem be?
This problem could be caused by fuel flooding. When you're driving and the fuel is entering your fuel injectors, not all the fuel is sent through the injectors. All fuel that does not enter the engine from the injectors gets returned to the fuel tank. What may be happening is that instead of the unused fuel returning to the fuel tank, it may be dumping the fuel into the engine and flooding the engine. Over time, the fuel will evaporate (perhaps that what you're smelling) and the car will be able to start up again.
Another common cause to your problem is a faulty engine coolent temperature sensor. If that sensor fails, many times it will prevent the car from immediately restarting after the engine has been shut off when it has reached normal normal operating temperature. Then, once the engine cools, it'll start up with no problems.
Have your fuel lines and engine coolent sensor inspected. You may find your problem there.
Good luck!