Mitsubishi Repair: 98 eclipse spyder gs belt making loud noise, 98 eclipse spyder, crank pulley
Questionhey I just bought a 98 eclipse spyder and 2 of my engine mounts were broken so it broke one of my pulley I believe the belt was to my alternator but not really sure so when i replaced it the belt i got was initially to small and i thought thats why my car would scream when i started it so i got a larger size belt and it didnt do it for a while then later that night it came back again, it's a loud screaming sound that lasts for about 10 seconds or so and gets really loud if i accelerate i tried belt dressing and didnt work you have any suggestions.
When your engine mounts broke, you can imagine the amount of stress that put on various engine parts. My guess is that this problem has little to do with the belt, and more to do with the pulleys involved. The Eclipse Spyders (non-turbo) used a Chrysler 2.4L engine, and not a Mitsubishi engine. Since I'm not too familiar with the Chrysler engine set up, I'll assume it's similar.
When the mounts broke, it's not surprising if one of your belts broke, or stretched. I'm not sure which pulley you replaced, but it may not be the only damaged pulley. There's a pulley attached to the alternator, and it's belt also goes around the crank pulley, which also goes around an A/C compressor pulley, a tensioner, and the power steering pump pulley. Any of those pulleys and/or tensioner may have strained so much that it wore down their bearings. When bearings wear down, they will scream like crazy. You may need to have all your pulleys inspected to find which one is causing your problem.
Good luck!