QuestionI left my lights on and my battery is dead, but when I went to pop my hood my poper broke, the cable separated from the plastic puller. And the cable seems caught on something, it can't be pulled by pliers. I would like to know if there is a way to open the hood without using the poper? I just want to get the hood opened so I can get the car jump started and to a garage to fix the hood latch.
Please email me as soon as possible.
Thank you, Jenelle
The locking latch that holds your hood down is the most heavy duty lock on your car. It is POSSIBLE to open the hood, but you'd probably ruin your hood. On some cars, it is possible to get under your car and try to sneak your hand up through the engine bay to manually undo the latch, but I haven't seen that done on the more modern cars.
If the cable seems stuck on something, that could indicate a rusted hood latch mechanism. And if that's the case, it will be extremely difficult for anyone to pop open the hood.
I can think of 3 options: One, have your car towed to a mechanic to get your hood open and the battery charged. Two, call a lock smith (or AAA if you have that service) and ask if they can get open a stuck hood. Third, there are devices out there that allow your battery to be charge via your cigarette lighter. You can call or go to your local auto parts store to inquire about that.
Good luck!