Mitsubishi Repair: 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante ES service engine soon light, 2003 mitsubishi diamante, mitsubishi diamante

I have a 2003 diamante LS with only 20,000 miles.  Is  a dealer brand new car first owner. Yesterday service engine light goes on. I check everything and nothing is wrong.  How can I turn off the light?

It is a good idea to have your car's computer scanned for trouble codes to be absolutely sure nothing is wrong.  It might be something as simple as a misfire upon start-up, but it is still good to check.  Because your car is so new, and I assume still under warranty, call or visit your local Mitsubishi dealership and ask them if scanning your computer for fault codes is covered under your warranty.  If it is covered, have them scan the computer and tell you what was found.  Any problem they find will most likely be fixed for free under your warranty.

If scanning your computer is not covered by your warranty, you can take your car to most any nation wide chain of auto parts stores.  Places like AutoZone will check your car's computer for free.  Just go in and tell them your check engine light is on, and they'll do the rest.  

Usually, the easiest way to simply turn off your check engine light is to disconnect your negative battery cable for about 2 minutes, and then reattach it.  On the average car, that is fine.  But on a sophisticated car like the Diamante, that may cause your alarm system to malfunction, and/or trip the anti-theft code on your radio.  You would then need your designated radio code to reset the alarm in your radio.  

Your best bet is to first check with the dealership and see what they say.
Good luck!