Mitsubishi Repair: 1995 mirage no start, distributer cap, 1995 mitsubishi mirage
Question1995 mitsubishi mirage ls 1.8 liter
My car does not start. Usually after it sits for a couple of days without being driven or if it rains. Everytime I have been able to get it to start by spraying wd40 on the distributer cap and into the cables. This time it did not work. I changed the distributer cap and roter and the wires. Any more suggestions?
You may have a fuel or air intake problem. You should replace your fuel filter and air filter if it's been over 2 years since you've replaced those items. If either one of those gets overly clogged, they can strict air and fuel flow, which does not allow sufficient air or fuel to get your engine started.
Moisture in the gas tank is a common cause of hard starts. This occurs especially in the cold and wet seasons. Check your gas cap to be sure its providing a good seal. Most stores will sell an additive that will dry out (remove moisture) the gasoline in your tank. Check your local auto parts store and ask a store attendent to point you in the direction of the gas additives. Most are inexpensive and may help with your starting problems. Try that first before spending any more money on costly parts and labor costs. Though you may need to have your ignition coil replaced.
Good luck!