Mitsubishi Repair: wiper relay, mitsubishi montero sport, mitsubishi montero
Questionon a 97 mitsubishi montero sport where is the wiper relay located in this monster. Dealer doesnt know.
The dealer you asked should be embarrassed for themselves if they don't know where to locate any part for your car. On most Mitsubishis, the only wiper relay is the intermittent wiper relay (one for the front and one for the rear). For the front wipers, this relay is commonly built right into the column switch (the knob/switch you use to turn the fron wipers on). The rear intermittent wiper relay could either be located on the hatch door in the back, or behind the rear driverside quarter panel. I don't know much about the wiring diagram for the later Monteros, so this is my best guess based on other Mitsubishi vehicles.
Hope that helped!