Mitsubishi Repair: 1991 Mitsubishi Galant, mitsubishi galant, erratic problems

I am having an idle problem with my Galant.  It is a 1991 Single overhead cam with about 123,000 miles on it.  It is very sluggish and hesitates when I am stopped. The lights dim when it hesitates and the automatic seatbelts only work half of the time when I open the doors.  Sometimes it wont start up.  I can get it started by jumping it or rocking it back and forth, putting it in gear, then cranking it.  I just got a new battery, got the engine replaced and a new transmission.  My fusable link has also blown a couple of times.  What do you think is the problem?

Have your alternator checked to be sure it's producing enough current.  If your alternator is dying, it will cause those symptoms you're describing.  Sometimes a poorly grounded alternator can cause your fusable link to blow.  Be sure all electrical connections to your alternator are secure.

You should also check your car's computer.  Read this article for further information:

If your ECU is malfunctioning, this can cause all sorts of strange and erratic problems.  Have it checked for damage.
Good luck!