Mitsubishi Repair: 2nd gen eclipse turbo, typical effect, leak down test
QuestionI have a 2nd gen eclipse turbo front wheel drive 5 speed with only 60000 miles on it. my question is, i lost lots of power.. and it take a lot of juice just to crank up to five psi on my stock turbo.. plus the oil pressure seems to drop a little.. and i get these rattling and scraping sound from the motor.. it scrape and rattle more when i rav up the motor... i taken it to lots of other shop in town but no one have a clue... could i have blown my turbo,my head, or my block? please email me with some advice cause i really could use some... thank you..
A very important maintenance procedure which should be done every 45,000 miles is a timing belt, balance belt, and tensioner replacement. Your owners manual may recommend every 65,000 miles, but if you talk to others with a lot of experience with turbo Eclipses, none would risk going that long. The rattling and scraping you're hearing could be from bent valves and/or warped cylinder heads. That's a typical effect of what will happen if your timing belt ever slips or breaks. If any of the shops you took your car to performed a compression test (or better yet, a leak-down test), they should be able to determine if you have head components that are broken.
You can do a simple check of your turbo yourself. Wait until your engine cools down signifigantly. Remove the intake tube that connects your air filter housing to your turbo. You should be able to get a finger or two onto the propeller in your turbo compressor. You should be able to spin your turbo prop easily. Try to wiggle the turbo shaft around. The shaft should have ZERO play in it (no wobble). If the shaft does wobble around, that means your turbo is probably shot and you need to replace it.
Good luck!