Mitsubishi Repair: Mighty Max Timing/electrical, mitsubishi mighty max, worst case scenario
QuestionI changed the timing belt on my 95 Mitsubishi Mighty Max 2.4L. I made sure all of the marks were right, out it together, and started it. It was just a little rough on the start. I then proceeded to check the timing. It showed 10 deg. btdc instead of 5. The haynes manual said a timing wire should be grounded to accurately check the timing. I found the wire--a black/blue wire on the passanger side of the engine bay--I removed the plastice cap and grounded the wire. I went to start the truck and I was not getting any fire. I ungrounded the switch and although the engine turned over, it would not crank, or even sound like it was getting fire. If you could tell me what went wrong that would be great or at least what I should do to remedy the problem. thanks.
It does not sound like you did anything wrong when tried to adjust the timing. You need to ground the timing wire, as you did. Just doing that should not have caused your problem. Unless you loosened the cam angle sensor and did not re-align it after you ungrounded the wire, that can cause your starting problem.
Worst case scenario, an unrelated bolt (like the timing tensioner bolt), came loose and really threw off your timing. That can cause your timing belt to skip a couple teeth and prevent your engine from starting. Check your cam angle sensor if you adjusted it all. You may even want to check your timing belt and timing marks again to be sure they are still set correctly. It doesn't take much to throw those off a little, and cause big problems.
Good luck!