Mitsubishi Repair: engine, intake hoses, loose fittings
Question1995 mirage 1.5, engine has fire, gas but won't start
Your engine needs three basic things to get started and run - fuel, spark, and air. Since you mentioned you have fire (assumingly to the plugs) and gas, I would assume your engine is not getting an adequate amount of air flow. Check for a clogged or extra dirty air filter. Then, check your intake hoses for any tears or loose fittings.
If visual inspections don't help indicate any possible problems, you should take your car to a mechanic and have them check your intake sensors to be sure they are not preventing your engine from starting.
Another possible cause is that your timing is off enough to prevent the engine from running. This can occur due to a broken timing belt or malfunctioning crankshaft posistion sensor. Make sure those items are also inspected when leaving your car with a mechanic.
Good luck!