Mitsubishi Repair: A/C, mitsubishi eclipse, air vent
Question1993 mitsubishi eclipse 1.8 eng. ac problem? air blows cold when car is standing still,but when car rides it stops blowing cold air. I have new compressor,dryer,clutch all new hoses. What could still be the problem? electric or machanical?
My guess is that you have a fresh air vent stuck open. That is an opening that allows outside air to enter your car through your vents. When your car is at a stop, your blower is pumping in the cooled AC air. But when your car is in motion, the air moving around your car forces it's way through the vents. At high speeds, the air pressure due to the motion of the car is greater than what the blower motor can provide. So the warm outside air mixes with the cooler AC air, and by the time you feel it, it's warmed up.
You'll want to have your fresh air vents checked out. Usually that intales removing sections of your dashboard to get to those areas. But on a '93 Eclipse, that's not too bad.
Another possible problem could be that your condenser is no longer working efficiently. Since you had your dryer replaced, the condenser should have been checked for large pieces of debris that might effect efficiency. Have both items checked that I mentioned, and you'll probably find the cause to your problem.
Good luck!