Mitsubishi Repair: more ecu, speed man, discribed
Question90 galant 2.0 sohc ,5 speed man - had occurance of smell as discribed in the eclipse caps articule -check engine light came on and car stalled - started up okay - a few times since check engine light came on briefly but did not always stall- no codes were stored- pulled the auto comp controller - do not see any evidence of vented or leaking caps - this controller is the ecu? - located behind the glovebox - are there any other components in the ecu that go bad - or is it something besides the ecu - thank you
i'm not exactly sure where the ECU is located on the Galant, but it can't be confused with any other small, metallic box with dozens wires going into it. If your check engine light comes on, but you can't see any codes, that usually means your ECU has been reset. The only way to really do that is to unplug the battery for a minute or so. The ECU will reset itself when the capacitors start to go bad.
If replacing your ECU is not an option right now, just keep driving your car until the check engine light comes on again. If it says on, and you have an AutoZone in your area, drive there and leave your car running so the check engine light stays on. Have them read your codes and see if they pull anything.
Good luck!