Mitsubishi Repair: engine, eclipse gsx, partznet
QuestionHey Anthony whatup my name's Dave i have a question and im pretty sure u have run across this prob if u have an eclipse .......
It's a 92' eclipse gsx turbo 4wd my prob is that head gasket blew & car overheated.... the head was warped about .015" but i got that repaired and rady to install my prob is the sensor located in the rear of the block, i looked it up in the book and im pretty sure its the knock sensor but it kinda looks like a oil press. sensor anyway i was wondering were i could find that at a good price maybe other than the dealer. i found it but it was 84+tax and also if u know of a good web source to get parts for my car
You are correct. The sensor on the rear of the engine, near the firewall is the knock sensor. It's definitely a good idea to replace it when you can get to it. It's a big pain in the butt to try to replace it after the head has been remounted.
The only place you'll find a knock sensor is from the dealership or a junkyard. I'd highly recommend the dealership. There is a dealership in Pennsylvania that sells DSM parts at a big discount. You can get a brand new knock sensor for about $60. Definitely a good price. Here's their site:
I get just about all my more expensive OEM parts from these guys. The more you order, the more you'll save on the shipping costs. The guys there really know their stuff, so give them a call and just let them know what you need.
Good luck!