Mitsubishi Repair: My Car wont start when cold or sometimes wet., gas additives, auto parts store
Question1993 Mitsubishi Expo, 2.4-7passenger, Automatic.
Why is it that when it is cold outside or when it is wet, my car get's very hard to start, or in most cases, wont start at all. The plugs, wires, distributor,and rotor are all new. The timing belt is about one year old. Please help me out with this dilemna. Thanks again for all the help that you guys have giving me in the past.!!!
Moisture in the gas tank is a common cause of hard starts. This occurs especially in the cold and wet seasons. Check your gas cap to be sure its providing a good seal. Most stores will sell an additive that will dry out (remove moisture) the gasoline in your tank. Check your local auto parts store and ask a store attendent to point you in the direction of the gas additives. Most are inexpensive and may help with your starting problems.
Good luck!