Mitsubishi Repair: 3000gt, mitsubishis, 3000gt
Question i have a 3000gt that will not fire on # 3 &6 coil wires and i have replaced everything but still get no fire to those 2 wires help please
Depending on the year of your car, the problem could be with your ECU (car's computer). Between 90-94, Mitsubishis had used under-rated capacitors installed on the ECU. And over time, those would leak and cause problems with ignition coil and spark.
You should also check those cylinders for compression. If your compression is too low, you will not get a spark. I'm not sure what you replaced when you mentioned that you "replaced everything". But if you didn't replace your ignition coil, you need to check that too. If your think the problem could be in your ECU, pull it out and check it for damage. It's located under your dashboard, near your radio.
Good luck!